Package 'ozgs'

Title: Use the Australian Statistical Geography Standard in R
Description: Access maps, layers and data provided by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) via the ABS web service. Available spatial objects include Indigenous Structures, Statistical Areas (SA1, SA2, SA3 and SA4), states and territories, postcode approximations (POAs), suburbs and localities, local government areas (LGAs), state and federal electorates, remoteness areas and the mesh blocks from which each of these are constructed. Requests are cached to avoid repeatedly fetching large quantities of data from the ABS web servers.
Authors: Sam Gardiner [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sam Gardiner <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.0
Built: 2025-02-09 06:00:48 UTC

Help Index

Australian Drainage Divisions (ADDs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Australian Drainage Divisions (ADDs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Australian Drainage Divisions (ADDs) are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of drainage divisions as provided through the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (V3.2.1). Please note that ABS approximated boundaries do not match official legal or administrative boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
ADD 1 2011
ADD 2 2016
ADD 3 2021

Australia (AUS)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Australia (AUS) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Australia is the largest spatial unit in the Main Structure and in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). All ASGS boundaries aggregate to Australia.

Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
AUS 1 2011
AUS 2 2016
AUS 3 2021

Commonwealth Electoral Divisions (CEDs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Commonwealth Electoral Divisions (CEDs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Commonwealth Electoral Divisions (CED) are an ABS MB approximation of Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) federal electoral division boundaries. An Australian Electoral Commission electoral division boundary is an area legally prescribed for the purpose of returning one member to the House of Representatives, Australia's Federal Lower House of Parliament. Boundaries are based on the Australian Electoral Commission electoral division boundaries available prior to publication. Commonwealth Electoral Divisions may change as the Australian Electoral Commission revise their boundaries. Where this occurs, Commonwealth Electoral Divisions will be updated on an annual basis in conjunction with updates of other Non ABS Structures. Please note that ABS approximated boundaries do not match official legal or administrative boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
CED 1 2011
CED 1 2012
CED 2 2016
CED 2 2017
CED 2 2018
CED 3 2021

Destination Zones (DZNs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Destination Zones (DZNs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Destination Zones are co-designed with state and territory transport authorities. DZNs are designed from either whole or aggregations of Mesh Blocks (MB) and they align to Statistical Area Level 2 boundaries. They have no relationship to Statistical Area Level 1 boundaries. Destination Zones were incorporated as part of the ASGS for the first time in 2021. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
DZN 2 2016
DZN 3 2021

Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSAs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSAs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSA) are geographical areas built from Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4).

Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
GCCSA 1 2011
GCCSA 2 2016
GCCSA 3 2021

Get a geography from the ASGS web service


get_geography() downloads and caches the geometries and data defined by a specified ASGS geography, with optional filtering using SQL or spatial queries.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



The name of the ASGS geography to download. Valid choices are ADD, AUS, CED, DZN, GCCSA, IARE, ILOC, IREG, LGA, MB, NRMR, POA, RA, S/T, SA1, SA2, SA3, SA4, ..., TR, and UCL.


An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Returns a sf spatial data frame with geometry and data for the requested ASGS geography.

Indigenous Areas (IAREs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Indigenous Areas (IAREs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Indigenous Areas are medium sized geographic areas built from whole Indigenous Locations. They are designed for the release and analysis of more detailed statistics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Changes to Indigenous Areas are determined through consultation with the Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics based on statistical and community requirements. Whole Indigenous Areas aggregate to form Indigenous Regions. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
IARE 1 2011
IARE 2 2016
IARE 3 2021

Indigenous Locations (ILOCs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Indigenous Locations (ILOCs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Indigenous Locations (ILOCs) are geographic areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s). Indigenous Locations are designed to represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities with a minimum population of about 90 people. Changes to Indigenous Locations are determined through consultation with the Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics based on statistical and community requirements. Whole Indigenous Locations aggregate to form Indigenous Areas (IAREs). Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
ILOC 1 2011
ILOC 2 2016
ILOC 3 2021

Indigenous Regions (IREGs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Indigenous Regions (IREGs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Indigenous Regions (IREGs) are large geographic areas built from whole Indigenous Areas. Changes to Indigenous Regions are determined through consultation with the Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics based on statistical and community requirements. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
IREG 1 2011
IREG 2 2016
IREG 3 2021

Local Government Areas (LGAs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Local Government Areas (LGAs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Local Government Areas (LGAs) are an ABS Mesh Block representation of gazetted local government boundaries as defined by each state and territory. Please note that ABS approximated boundaries do not match official legal or administrative boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. Officially gazetted Local Government Areas change regularly. The ABS updates approximated Local Government Areas annually. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
LGA 1 2011
LGA 1 2012
LGA 1 2013
LGA 1 2014
LGA 1 2015
LGA 2 2016
LGA 2 2017
LGA 2 2018
LGA 2 2019
LGA 2 2020
LGA 3 2021
LGA 3 2022
LGA 3 2023

Mesh Blocks (MBs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Mesh Blocks (MBs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Mesh Blocks are the smallest geographic areas defined by the ABS.

Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
MB 1 2011
MB 2 2016
MB 3 2021

National Resource Management Regions (NRMRs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the National Resource Management Regions (NRMRs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Natural Resource Management Regions (NRMRs) are an ABS approximation of Natural Resource Management regions (NRM). They are administrative regions primarily used by the Department of the Environment and Energy and the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources who share responsibility for delivery of the Australian Government's environment and sustainable agriculture programs, which are broadly referred to as Natural Resource Management (NRM). Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 3 - Non ABS Structure, July 2016 (cat no. 1270.0.55.003).[email protected]/mf/1270.0.55.003


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
NRMR 1 2011
NRMR 2 2016

Postal Areas (POAs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Postal Areas (POAs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Postal Areas (POAs) are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of a general definition of postcodes. A postcode is a four digit number used by Australia Post to assist with mail delivery. Postcodes cover most, but not all, of Australia whereas Postal Areas cover the whole of geographic Australia. Please note that ABS approximated boundaries do not match official legal or administrative boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
POA 1 2011
POA 2 2016
POA 3 2021

Remoteness Areas (RAs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Remoteness Areas (RAs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


The Remoteness Areas divide Australia into 5 classes of remoteness on the basis of relative access to services for the purpose of releasing and analysing statistical data. Access to services is measured using the Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA+), provided by the Hugo Centre for Migration and Population Research at the University of Adelaide. Remoteness Areas are aggregates of Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s) that are grouped together based on their average ARIA+ score. These areas are redefined every five years and data from the Census of Population and Housing as well as other survey data are released on the Remoteness Areas.


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
RA 1 2011
RA 2 2016
RA 3 2021

Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Statistical Areas Level 1 are geographical areas built from whole Mesh Blocks. Whole SA1s aggregate to form Statistical Areas Level 2 in the ASGS Main Structure.

Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
SA1 1 2011
SA1 2 2016
SA1 3 2021

Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2) are medium-sized general purpose areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1). Whole SA2s aggregate to form Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3) in the ASGS Main Structure.

Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
SA2 1 2011
SA2 2 2016
SA2 3 2021

Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3s)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3s) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3) are geographical areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2). Whole SA3s aggregate to form Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4) in the ASGS Main Structure.

Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
SA3 1 2011
SA3 2 2016
SA3 3 2021

Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4s)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4s) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4) are geographical areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3).

Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
SA4 1 2011
SA4 2 2016
SA4 3 2021

Suburbs and Localities (SALs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Suburbs and Localities (SALs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Suburbs and Localities (SALs), formerly State Suburbs (SSCs), are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of gazetted localities. Gazetted localities refer to boundaries of suburbs in cities and larger towns and localities in other locations. Gazetted localities cover most of Australia. Please note that ABS approximated boundaries do not match official legal or administrative boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
SAL 3 2021

State Electoral Divisions (SEDs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the State Electoral Divisions (SEDs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


State Electoral Divisions (SED) are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of state electoral districts. A state electoral district is an area legally prescribed for the purpose of returning one or more members to the State or Territory Lower Houses of Parliament, or the relevant equivalent. Boundaries are based on the most up to date state electoral districts available prior to publication. State Electoral Divisions may change as State or Territory authorities revise their boundaries. Where this occurs, State Electoral Divisions will be updated on an annual basis in conjunction with updates of other Non ABS Structures. Please note that ABS approximated boundaries do not match official legal or administrative boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
SED 1 2011
SED 2 2016
SED 2 2017
SED 2 2018
SED 2 2019
SED 2 2020
SED 3 2021
SED 3 2022

Section of State (SOS)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Section of State (SOS) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Section of State (SOS) is created by grouping together Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs) into broad classes based on population size. The population sizes are based on the 2021 Census of Population and Housing.


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
SOS 1 2011
SOS 2 2016
SOS 3 2021

Section of State Range (SOSR)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Section of State Range (SOSR) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Section of State Range (SOSR) is created by grouping together Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs) into broad classes based on population size. The population sizes are based on the 2021 Census of Population and Housing.


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
SOSR 1 2011
SOSR 2 2016
SOSR 3 2021

State Suburbs (SSCs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the State Suburbs (SSCs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


State Suburbs (SSCs) are an ABS approximation of localities gazetted by the Geographical Place Name authority in each State and Territory. Gazetted Localities are the officially recognised boundaries of suburbs (in cities and larger towns) and localities (outside cities and larger towns). Gazetted Localities cover most of Australia. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 3 - Non ABS Structure, July 2016 (cat no. 1270.0.55.003).[email protected]/mf/1270.0.55.003


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
SSC 1 2011
SSC 2 2016

State and Territory (S/T)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the State and Territory (S/T) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


States and Territories consist of one or more Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4).

Six States and six Territories are recognised in the ASGS:

New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory, Jervis Bay Territory, Territory of Christmas Island, Territory of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Territory of Norfolk Island.

Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
STE 1 2011
STE 2 2016
STE 3 2021

Significant Urban Areas (SUAs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Significant Urban Areas (SUAs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Significant Urban Areas (SUA) represent significant towns and cities of 10,000 people or more. They are based on Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs) but are defined by the larger Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s).


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
SUA 1 2011
SUA 2 2016
SUA 3 2021

Tourism Regions (TRs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Tourism Regions (TRs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Tourism Regions (TRs) are an ABS SA2 approximation of tourism regions as provided by Tourism Research Australia. They are administrative regions primarily used by Tourism Research Australia for research and policy purposes. Please note that ABS approximated boundaries do not match official legal or administrative boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
TR 1 2015
TR 2 2016
TR 3 2021

Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs)


Fetch ASGS geometries for the Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs) represent areas of concentrated urban development. These areas of urban development are primarily identified using dwelling and population density criteria and data from the 2021 Census.


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:

geography edition reference_date
UCL 1 2011
UCL 2 2016
UCL 3 2021